Ecuador: INNOQUA demo site in Quito
Quito is the capital of Ecuador, located on the equator in the Andean region at an altitude of about 2800 m. It has a population of 2.6 million people. Whereas the city is well covered by the municipal sewage network, more than 97% of the wastewater does not receive any treatment and is discharged, together with rainwater, into local rivers.
The INNOQUA system treats the wastewater from a multi-family house located in the Miraflores district in the centre of the city. This building hosts ten persons in three apartments and an office.

Design Capacity: 2m3/day
Source of Wastewater: Toilets, kitchens, bathrooms
Specific Scientific Research Objectives:
Testing the applicability of a nature-based technology for a residential building in a densely populated urban environment.
In Quito the INNOQUA system consists of a lumbrifilter and a daphniafilter installed on the outflow of a settlement tank.

Armero OE7-261 y El Oro
Quito – 170521
For questions or to arrange a site visit, please contact:
Nicolas Salmon