Peru: INNOQUA demo site in Arequipa
Arequipa is located in southern Peru and has a population of slightly more than one million people. Nearly 5% of the population lack access to water and 15% lack access to sanitation.
The INNOQUA system treats the wastewater from the Fundo Huasacache campus of UCSM (Universidad Católica de Santa Maria). This campus, with an area of 2000 m2, consists of classrooms, laboratories, greenhouses, sports and recreational spaces, and a small food court. It hosts approximately 350 students and 25 personnel. All the wastewater produced here, lacking proper treatment, ends up in the nearby Socabaya River.

Design Capacity: 1m3/day
Source of Wastewater: Toilets, kitchen, laboratories, veterinary and agronomic faculties
Specific Scientific Research Objectives:
To assess the potential for the INNOQUA technology to be implemented in the complex environment of a university campus
In Peru the INNOQUA system consists of a lumbrifilter, a daphniafilter, a bio-solar purification system and a UV unit installed on the outflow from a septic tank. Different combinations of these components are possible.

Fundo La Banda s/n (Vía Paisajista),
Jacobo Hunter
Arequipa – 04001
For questions or to arrange a site visit, please contact:
Joshelyn Paredes
Research Scientist at UCSM Peru