On October 10 India’s President Ram Nath Kovind inaugurated India Water Week 2017, India’s annual policy and technology showcase event on water and wastewater. Water, sanitation and reuse are major issues in India. Based on the theme “Water and Energy for Inclusive Growth,” India Water Week-2017 is a platform to elicit ideas and opinions from global-level decision makers, politicians, researchers and entrepreneurs in the field of water resources development and management for mutual benefit and goodwill. More than 1,500 delegates from India and 13 other countries participated in this conference, amongst them INNOQUA project manager Jean-Baptiste Dussaussois from NOBATEK.
A dedicated session was conducted on 11 October by the EIP WATER INDIA EU WATER PARTNERSHIP. During the session Jean-Baptiste Dussaussois presented the INNOQUA technology. INNOQUA aims to answer sanitation problem in India through a modular system adapted to the different local conditions.