On 1 and 2 Dec our Italian partner R2M presented the INNOQUA project at the Water Workshop organised by the Milano Airports operator SEA. The theme of the two-day event was water reuse, a topic at the core of the INNOQUA project’s objectives. The highlight on the first day was a technical workshop that drew an audience of scientists and water companies, followed on the second day by a stakeholders’ meeting attended by mayors of local municipalities who learned about INNOQUA via a poster presentation. In addition to local political leaders, R2M had the opportunity to meet researchers from the University of Milano-Bicocca, and Politecnico di Milano, as well as representatives of the public utilities Metropolitane Milanesi, and Gruppo CAP, and the private company A.D. SUEZ. The diverse audience from the academic, public and private sectors registered great interest in INNOQUA’s innovative, bio-ecological wastewater treatment system.