Inside the INNOQUA system
The “lumbrifiltration” is an alternative treatment method of organically polluted water. The principle is based on the vermifilter degradation of domestic water pollution by the association of earthworms Eisenia fetida and Eisenia andrei, and microorganisms (aerobic bacteria). Lumbrifiltration is efficient for wastewater, but also industrial and agricultural wastewater treatment heavily charged with organic matter, such as cannery and dairy. In China, lumbrifilters had been found to be generally good for swine wastewater treatment, municipal wastewater treatment, and domestic wastewater treatment. Lumbrifiltration has been proved to be effective at municipal scale in Combaillaux, France and individual scale in Bordeaux, France respectively by the INNOQUA partners Lombritek and Nobatek.


Natural purification systems have been used for years to improve the quality of wastewater before discharge or reuse. Purification marshes are a workable solution for changing the quality of the effluent from STPs to ‘usable surface water’. Based on this observation, the University of Girona has investigated the purification mechanisms performed by Daphnia sp. and especially their role in the reduction of suspended solids and pathogen bacteria. After several years of testing and experiments, they have demonstrated that the daphniafilter constitutes a technically feasible and competitive (in terms of cost and efficiency) innovative tertiary treatment.
Monitoring and Control Unit
INNOQUA Monitoring and Control Unit is a portable low-cost monitoring and control platform responsible of collecting and analyzing data about the operational status of INNOQUA wastewater treatment system through the combination of different sensing technologies. It will be capable of capturing key operational metrics such as pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity (salinity), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), temperature, ions concentration to measure different chemical and physical water quality parameters.

BioSolar Purification
The Bio-Solar purification technology intensifies, in closed photoreactors, ecosystems services occurring at the air/water interface. The BSP technology combines organic wastes degradation, dissolved hazardous compounds removal and faecal contaminants destruction in photobioreactors, using sunlight and CO2 to intensify natural photosynthesis. The special design of photobioreactors allows purification of 100 to 2000 L wastewater per m2 exposed to sun and per day according their shape and sunlight recovery means. Water circulation and air+CO2 injection system are designed to use less than 0.5 KWh per m3 of treated water. Overall wastewater treatment is achieved by 5 biological and solar phenomena intensified in a photoreactor and is comparable to an advanced oxidation natural process through photosynthesis performed by microalgae.
UV Purification
Berson designs and manufactures ultraviolet (UV) disinfection systems for municipal drinking water and wastewater treatment plants worldwide. Since the founding in 1972 Berson has been a pioneer in UV science and technology, providing UV systems with a reputation for technical innovation, quality and service. Their UV systems are the result of continuous investment in R&D and partnerships with universities and industry. Berson applies the latest lamp and lamp driver technology in combination with newly designed highly efficient UV reactors that have been developed to have the optimal hydrodynamic conditions to achieve an evenly distribution of the UV light through the water to be treated. As a result, Berson can guarantee the amount of UV radiation each particle is exposed to and the log reduction, based on the different UV dose response of the microorganisms in question.

How do these components go together?
> see demonstration strategy & sites
What does the data say?
> see technical bulletins