Romania: INNOQUA demo site in Ilişeşti
Almost half of the Romanian population lives in rural areas, and only 10% of this population is connected to centralised wastewater collection and treatment systems. Ilişeşti is a small village (2,400 inhabitants) in the region of Bucovina located on the northern slopes of the central Eastern Carpathians. Rural tourism has blossomed in this region during recent years, creating a potential niche market for decentralised waste- water treatment solutions.
The INNOQUA system initially treated the wastewater of a hotel with 10 guest rooms, a restaurant (max. 80–100 seats), a conference hall (max. 40 places) and offices. After 4 months of operation, our local project partner needed more office space for the administrative staff of their growing waste management and recycling business. The hotel was therefore converted to an office building accommodating 30 staff. The treated wastewater is discharged into the nearby river.

Design Capacity: 1.5 – 2.4m3/day
Source of Wastewater: Original hotel building & offices: toilets, showers, grey water from the restaurant kitchen; After conversion to office building: mainly toilets & grey water from the restaurant kitchen.
Specific Scientific Research Objectives:
The Romanian demo site aims to demonstrate the long-term performance and suitability of decentralised wastewater treatment in real operational conditions with extremes of temperature (-25 to +25°C) with an annual average of 7.9°C. In such conditions, a wastewater treatment system would typically be installed underground. For demonstration purposes we decided for an aboveground installation within an insulated biofilter room able to simulate, during winter, typical underground temperatures (12-16C).
In Romania the INNOQUA system consists of a presettler, a lumbrifilter and a daphniafilter, all monitored by an on-line monitoring and control unit.

Ilişeşti, 768
727130, Suceava
For questions or to arrange a site visit, please contact:
Costel Bumbac